Total Defence (Bronze)

There are three parts to this activity: 

A. Complete Lesson on Total Defence via Student Learning Space (SLS) 

B. Play “Guardians of the City II” (GOTC II) – the Total Defence card game 

C. Design, present to peers, and submit a new Action card for the GOTC card game

You will need the Guardians of the City” Total Defence Strategy Card Game.

Activity A: Recap of Total Defence 

Look through the slides to understand a bit more about Total Defence. 

Activity B: Play “Guardians of the City” Total Defence Strategy Card Game 

Cadets who have already played the “Guardians of the City” (GOTC) Total Defence strategy card game may skip this activity and move on to Activity C. 

How to Play "Guardians of the City" - The Total Defence Strategy Card Game 


Activity C: Design and Share an Original “Guardians of the City” Action” Card 

There are blank Action Cards inside the deck of the “Guardians of the City” Total Defence Strategy Card Game.

Otherwise, you may also use the template shown below. 

Submit to your teacher-officer your:

Folio 4 - Bronze_ActC_My Action Card.pptx

Activity C: My Action Card