Anti-Narcotics (SANA)


The Anti-Narcotics Programme is conducted in partnership with the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA).

Through this programme, you would gain a heightened awareness to the current threats of drug abuse and understand the importance of the drug prevention in Singapore. 

By the end of this programme, you would also become advocates for a drug free society by doing an advocacy project to spread awareness and prevent fellow Singaporeans from becoming victims of drug abuse.

Instruction to cadet

You would need complete the following:

Reading Material

To prepare you for the design thinking stage of the workshop, do read through the 

SANA Badge Scheme_Pre reading.pdf
SANA Badge Booklet.pdf
SANA Topic 1 Effects of drug abuse.pptx
SANA Topic 2 Consequences of drug abuse.pptx
SANA Topic 3 Rising above the influence.pptx

Practice Quiz 

Attempt the practice quiz by clicking on the hyperlink or via the screen below before attempting your final assessment, you may refer to your reading material(s). Please practice until you are confident for the actual assessment.

Final Assessment

Attempt the final assessment after sufficient practice on the practice quiz by clicking on the hyperlink or via the screen below. Here are some things to take note:

What's next

After doing this section, there will be a facilitation session with a SANA trainer who will walk you through the steps in designing your awareness project ( . While you watch the video, you would need complete an online worksheet  ( 

This process is called design thinking and you may read more about it at: 

After viewing the video, you and your squad can proceed to do a single project in speading the anti-drug message. You are to post on social media this project to qualify for the badge.  With the COVID-19 situation, you can consider projects that do not require large gatherings. These include posters, short videos, class presentations (within their existing classes), and even self-designed online quizzes. Units can post pictures with the hashtags and a short writeup on their IG accounts. 

You will be using the first three steps to design an awareness project to be placed on social media (instagram) to inform your fellow peers on the drug abuse situation in Singapore and how you can stop it. Do remember to use the hashtags (#SANANPCC2020 and #SANARiseAbove) in your posts so that we can track when you complete the online project.