
Who are your Beneficiaries?

They are the people/target audience who will benefit from your community project.

For PYA, your beneficiaries are the public.

You should seek your beneficiaries' feedback. The feedback provides you and your juniors the following insights to your community projects:

  • How your project had positively impacted their lives;

  • To motivate & inspire your group members to create more impactful projects in the future;

  • To improve your future projects; and

  • To build self-confidence and teamwork when speaking with strangers.

How can I obtain feedback from beneficiaries?

Your beneficiaries can provide feedback in three ways:

  • Video - through your mobile phone video camera but do ask permission first - you can showcase the videos on your micro-sites

  • Audio - you can use your phone to record the dialogue with your beneficiaries

  • Written - beneficiaries can just complete a short simple survey form or you can transcribe it for them

Sample script to use when approaching the public:

"Good Morning Sir/Madam. I am (name) from (school) NPCC. I am currently carrying out an NPCC project to educate the public on (your project focus).

You will help me greatly if I can ask you some questions. May I record you?

Thank you so much for your time. I hope this event had been useful for you.

Some tips for the interview :

  • Make it short - less than ONE minute

  • Basic questions -

      • "How do you think this project has helped you and the community?"

      • "How can we improve our project?"

  • Try to have your interview in English-speaking. Otherwise, do add subtitles in your videos, or attach a transcript.

  • Always be polite and SMILE!

  • Practice your interview technique and have FUN!