6th Grade Music

Welcome to 6th Grade Music with Mr. Schaefer!

This year, 6th grade students will be learning about rhythms, elements of music, street performers, Broadway musicals, and bucket drumming. This is the website we'll be using for most of our lessons and projects.

Most homework assignments and projects can be found on this website, but links are posted on the parent/student portal.

Requirements for Class:

You will be required to bring these items to class every day. Failure to bring these to class will lower your preparation score.

  • Folder for music papers & planner
  • Pencil or pen
  • Laptop & headphones
  • Drumsticks (every Wednesday)

Grading Policy:

Grades will be determined using a point system. Every assignment will be worth a certain number of points:

  • Homework & classwork assignments: 3 points each
  • Projects: 10 - 20 points each
  • Quiz: 10 points
  • Preparation: 10 points
  • Bucket drumming: 3 points each day

You are responsible for the work you missed!

  • If you are absent, ask Mr. Schaefer the next day what work you need to make up.

General Class Rules:

As a student in music class, you are expected to be respectful to your teacher, classmates, and school property. Here are some general rules to follow:

  • If you have a question or comment, raise your hand and wait to be called on
  • Do not talk when someone is speaking; teacher or called-on student
  • Never laugh at a wrong answer or incorrectly played rhythm
  • Be respectful to other kinds of music; just because you're not familiar with it doesn't mean it's "bad"
  • Only visit the websites you are instructed to; your computer will be taken away if I see games or anything other than your assignment

Behavior Policy:

If you are causing a disruption during class, the following actions will be taken:

1. Verbal warning

if the problem continues:

2. Parent contact

if the problem continues:

3. Lunch detention, behavioral write-up

Class Overview:

  • Reading and playing rhythms
  • The elements of music: Melody, Harmony & Rhythm
  • Street music & improvisation
  • Creating music on computers
  • Bucket drumming every Wednesday
STICKSTOFF – Bucket Drum – 2012.mp4

Today's Assignment:

Click the link below and answer the questions. Make sure to write in complete sentences. For the last few questions, don't write anything you don't want shared with the entire class! At the end of class, Mr. Schaefer will read a few responses. Try to guess which student it belongs to!