7. Red Belt

"Aura Lee"

Practice this song at home:

Practice this song on your recorder. When you're ready, play it during or after class to earn your red belt. Take your time and practice slowly. Use the track to keep your tempo steady.


  • Cover the F#, E and D notes with the pads of your fingers
  • If you squeak, you're either blowing too hard or leaking air from one of your fingers

New Rhythms: Eighth note and Dotted Quarter note

  • An eighth note gets one half of a beat. Tap your foot twice for every beat (one-and-two-and-three-and-four-and). Every tap is the length of an eighth note.

  • A dotted quarter note gets one and a half beats. When you're playing, tap eighth notes with your foot. This note will last for three eighth notes.

Watch the video if you need extra help. Print the PDF if you want a paper copy:

Red Belt Video
Red Belt - Aura Lee PDF.pdf