Joyspring Online Family Festival


completely-free-no-registration-necessary resources for families in quarantine

Farewell Family Circle: Release/Manifest Fire Ceremony and Ember-Gazing Game

Release/Manifest Fire Ceremony

Ember-Gazing Game


Let us circle once more around the fire. A circle has no beginning and no end. As love, it is infinite. If we had met in-person for this Joyspring Family Festival, we would have gathered around the fire every night, perhaps, to share our family stories and laughter. Imagine we have spent these three days together, celebrating life, inspiring hope, and playing with joy. Now let us gathering our families once more in a circle around the fire for a closing ritual and a final game of ember-gazing.

Release & Manifest Ritual:

In this clearing fire ritual we release what does not serve our life and welcome the abundance of life into our family circle.

Do this on your own or as an imaginative meditation while watching the video:

  1. Find a small twig or stick and connect inward to your heart.
  2. Silently breathe (or audibly speak) what you want to release into one end of the stick.
  3. Speak what you desire to manifest into your life, a vision for the future.
  4. Place the stick in the fire and watch it burn, transform and transmute the energy.

Ember-Gazing Game:

  1. Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax comfortably.
  2. Let your eyelids be a little heavy and soften your vision.
  3. Observe and name what you see.

Take your time. Repeat, until you and your family feel complete.

Fare well and thank you for attending the Joyspring Online Family Festival.

May joy spring from the deep well of community!