George Nelson

1793 - 1849

Information is scarce on George Nelson, who was born on October 15, 1793, at Masham near Middleham

He was apprenticed to Sam King in 1807 and rode his first winner in 1809 on Rover at York.

He won the rain-sodden 1826 St Leger on Tarrare. Its owner, the Earl of Scarborough, thought so highly of the jockey that he awarded him a pension.

Nelson then moved South to ride for the King for whom he rode Lottery, Fleur de Lis and Minna, on which he won eight times in one season.

Six weeks after the King died on June 26th 1930, George rode the bay filly Fleur de Lis to victory in the Goodwood Cup. The horse was then in the ownership of William IV who declared George Nelson to be his favourite jockey.

George's last ride came on Calypso in the 1840 St Leger.

He died in Doncaster on October 10, 1849, aged 55.