Charles Trevor

(1802 -1823)‭

The Hon Mr Charles Henry Hill Trevor of Christ Church, born September 10, 1802, and a promising young amateur rider, lost his life after falling from the seven-year-old chestnut gelding Macready at Stapleton Park on Tuesday, September 9, 1823.

Incautiously, he had turned his head too far round to observe the position of the other horses in the race. His head struck a post and he was unseated. Charles had been competing for the Gold Cup run over a mile and a quarter and won by Mr Kent on the 10-1 shot Collena.

He died on Thursday evening, 18 September.

An inquest was conducted by T. R. Mandall on Friday, 19 September.

Charles was interred on Wednesday, 24 September, in the family vault of the Duke of Grafton in Fitzroy Chapel, Highgate.

He was the second son of Lord Duncannon of Brynkynolt, near Chirk, North Wales,

At the end of October, the family put Macready up for sale.