Project Reach

November 14, 2017

ISY attended many Project Reach’s workshops held by Don and Katherine in November. Don and Katherine’s workshops cover topics varying from discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism through various activities. For the discrimination workshop, we formed into small groups, then we were given ten index cards - each represented a person with certain labels - and we discussed which six people to save and which four people to abandon. The scenario is that ten people are trapped on a rooftop and there's a boat that can only fit six people. At the end of the exercise, we realized that each person we decided to abandon is followed by discrimination of either gender, race, weight, wealth, etc. In the end, we were able to come up with a solution without discrimination which is to make the 10 people hold onto the edge of the boat and float to safety. After the many workshops and thought-provoking activities, participants became aware of the different ways they could discriminate. Change is only possible after one is aware of his/her bad habits.

I really liked the workshops because it allowed me to see the world in another perspective. It made me better understand and appreciate diversity in this community.” - Tina Li