Fitness workshop

April 5, 2018

In the first Fitness and Health Workshop of the year, personal trainer and guest speaker, Andrew, told ISY participants about how fitness has affected his life. ISY participants learned about his diet and workout schedule through both high school and college. Then, ISY participants had the chance to ask Andrew about advice on topics such as "how much they should eat?" or "what is proper technique when doing push ups?" Andrew was able to answer everyone's questions and everyone who participated in the workshop learned something new about both fitness and health.

After the the speaking part of the workshop, Grace and Simon took the participants out to Sara D. Roosevelt park. To warm up, the participants did sets of bur-pees, push ups, and sit ups. Then, they ran multiple laps around the field to get their bodies heated and stretched. Following the warm ups, the participants were allowed to play basketball games of four versus four and even a fun-game of knockout. ISY participants had the chance to socialize, stay active, and most importantly, have fun! This workshop was both insightful and very active workshop. Many of the participants enjoyed the opportunity to get some fresh air and stay active with their peers.