Compost 101

December 12, 2017

When asked “What did they learn from this workshop?” ISY participants responded with...

“I learned about how earthworms impact our environment positively and the importance of composting.” -Jason Chen

“I learned that renewing trash can make profit, new products, and create a healthier, green environment!!!”- Kelly Wu

Residents of New York tend to be extremely wasteful when it comes to food waste. This habit contributed to millions of dollar spent on transferring trash to landfills. Compost is made of food waste, ranging from old fruit to rotten vegetables. Compost is mixed with the earthworms to produce a rich soil; the soil helps enhance the plants growth. The City Council is planning on sending zero waste to landfills by 2030. That is a very hard to goal to reach, but with the help of us New York citizens we can make a change.

During the workshop, a representative from Lower East Side Ecology Center, a non-profit organization based in the lower east side, helped introduce the idea of composting to ISY participants. The presenter showed ISY participants the benefits of composting and even brought her own mini-compost. Her compost included worms, soil, and decaying fruit. The presenter allowed us touch the worms, which had a very smooth and moist texture. It showed to ISY participants that, they can help with the waste problem in New York City!