Mastercard Mentorship

June 18, 2018

In this Master card mentorship session, ISY juniors had the chance to be mentored by workers at Master Card. At the start of this session, ISY participants all sat in different tables around the room. ISY participants and Master Card staff were all mixed into different groups. The first activity was the human knot exercise. The goal of the activity was to see how the teams could use their communication skills and knowledge to untangle this "Human Knot." Many people were familiar with this exercise, but being in randomized groups helped encourage participants to display their ability to work as a team.

In the next activity, a groups worked together and listed important aspects of a team. They believed these aspects allowed teams to flourish and function to the best of their ability. Teams mentioned communication, trust, and time- management as important components of a good team. Each team was then asked to share their lists they made with their groups, with the help of an elected leader from their group.

The last activity was a 30-second elevator pitch, where ISY participants pitched to Master Card Staff the reason they should get a job at their dream company. The participants and staff rotated between each other, so each participant had a chance to share their pitch with a new person every time. It helped participants really think about how they would display themselves to potential employers when encountering them at random times. Also, the activity made participants think about what they had to offer to future employers and what they feel is notable about them. Overall, this Master Card session was both fun and insightful, and ISY participants are excited for the next one!