31st October 2017

Haddo House Angling club is responsible for keeping the banks and huts free from litter.

Your agreement when purchasing your permit is that you will not discard your litter on the river banks, the river or the fishing huts.

Crisp Packet dropper

Hut plastic bottle dropper

Worm container dropper

As you can see from the above photographs certain members have either not read the rules or are blatantly disregarding the rules.

Over the last two months Capri Sun orange juice containers, chocolate wrappers, flying C wrappers, empty crisp packets are regularly dropped on the river bank. Today I had my phone with me, between Kelly hut and the Boat pool I photographed the above litter, a total and utter disgrace.

I am sure the guilty members reading this will recognise their handy work, please stop it immediately, take your litter home or put your litter in the Gurgesdyke car park litter bin.

The 2017 season is now over, hopefully all members had a successful season and enjoyed fishing the waters.

We will soon be in touch regarding the date for the AGM.

Mike Stewart has to submit this season catch returns shortly, please help by sending in your returns before the end of this week, the more fish we have recorded the better for the coming seasons.

Thanks for your cooperation in the above matters.

Sandy Collie