5th meeting

Report Swedish LTT mobility, winter sports- 20 January- 24 January

20.01.2020 – Monday

The host school prepared a welcome ceremony, where Paradisskolan´s head mistress welcomed all partners. During the welcome ceremony did Swedish students perform songs and folk dance. After the welcome ceremony did the first workshop start with participating students. First did the students work on a team building task; to learn to work together and cooperate before preparing a poster. Teachers had the opportunity to do job shadowing at Paradisskolan.

After lunch did the students start preparing a poster about a traditional winter sport resort, located in each partner country. The coordinators had a meeting to present the activities which were done after the last meeting which took place in Greece October:

- Greek Day activities

- To do list in Bulgaria

-To do list before project ends.

21.01.2020 – Tuesday

During the morning did the students have more ice breakers, before doing their presentations. They presented their posters about winter resorts in front of both participating students and teachers, and in English.

In the afternoon did all students and teachers try out the first traditional Swedish winter sport: ice skating. All students and teachers learned how to ice skate during the afternoon. After the ice skating did students and teachers visit the University West.

22.01.2020 – Wednesday

During the morning did the students present their digital presentations about Nobel prize winners from participating countries, Famous Athletics from each partner country and traditional winter sports. The students did the presentations in English and the teachers listened to the presentations. During the presentations did the students find similarities between the countries winter sports.

In the afternoon did the host school organize a visit to the Innovatum museum and SAAB museum and the museums are in the old area of Trollhättan, where the locomotive factory had its production around 1890. It is not only a museum where you learn more about Trollhättan history, but also a science centre. The students did not only learn more about the history about Trollhättan and how it became an industrial city. They also learned more about different techniques by trying and discover different machines in different, so called stations.

23.01.2020 – Thursday

On this day did the host school organize a trip to Gothenburg, which is the capital of the region Västra Götaland. The team took part in a historical tour in the museum of Gothenburg, where they had a guided tour about how Gothenburg grew to become a city. After that did the team visit the House of Emigrants, which is a house where people learn more about the Swedish migration background. The house is located in the Customs House down by the harbour. The team learned more about where all the Swedish emigrants were shipped out during the great emigration period from 1850 to 1930. Every emigrant had to first pass the Customs House to show their emigrant contract. The Customs House was built on the “French lot” in 1866 and the house got its name from the custom that was located here for many years. This is important to know as part of the Swedish history and create tolerance and acceptance between people.

24.01.2020 – Friday

All morning until noon did the team go to Vänersborg,15 minutes’ drive from Trollhättan. The team, students and teachers learned how to play curling, also a traditional winter sport in Sweden. The team learned the basic rules and how to play curling. After playing curling did the students go back to their host families and the coordinators had a meeting, where we discussed the two last mobilities and to do list.

In the evening the International Party was organized by the host school and Swedish and Turkish folk dances were presented. Participating countries could also dance one of the Swedish folk dances. The guests got their certificates of attendance and they could thank all of the host families and the teachers from Paradisskolan, Trollhättan for a wonderful week.


§ Bulgaria - 4 teachers (2 more than in the form) + 4 students.

§ Italy – 2 teachers + 4 students.

§ Poland – 3 teachers (1 more than in the form) +4 students.

§ Turkey - 2 teachers + 4 students.

§ Greece- 3 teachers (1 more than in the form) + 2 students,

§ Total:

§ teachers: 14 - should be 10 according to the form

§ students: 18 - should be 18 according to the form

To do list

1. All the partners will upload photos in the project gallery.

2. Each country will prepare a presentation about 3-5 customs from the past and one about still existing/modern custom and it will be presented in Bulgaria. 14th February is also the deadline to send a word document about the old and existing/modern custom. This needs to be sent to the Greek coordinator.

3. Prepare five funny facts connected to the country and its people.

4. 15th March is the deadline to send a short summary of the history about each country with the national holiday, which should be explained in one sentence; what they are and why they are celebrated. Not more than 3-5 pages.

5. Videoconferences about history and culture need to be done.

6. During the Bulgarian meeting, will we discuss the last mobility that will take place in Izmir, Turkey.