About school

Szkoła Podstawowa im.Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Gałkowie Dużym is a very old school. In October 2018 it will celebrate its 200th anniversary.After the educational reform in 2017 the age of the children who attend our school is between 6 and 15.The number of pupils is 322 and the number of teachers is 36. However,not all of the teachers work full-time. The role of the school is to educate,integrate and to treat everyone equally.We've observed that our pupils don't want to learn history. They think that it is a boring subject and they get lower scores in the national exams.We can see that every year they lose interest in national celebrations.They prefer those from abroad such as e.g.Halloween. However, they forget about national traditions.We wish to change it and prove them that the young generation should respect not only its country but also its national heritage. The key staff is: a lady who is not only the headmistress of the school but she also tries to integrate local society with the school.She also promotes project activities in the local media. Her deputy headmistress is good at writing national projects and coordinating them.She is also an expert in budgeting plans so as dividing tasks among the teachers according to the national directives. One of the English teachers is the most experienced one not only in the national but also in the international projects. She is a good coordinator,organizer and the person who always does the tasks on time.Her experience in eTwinning, Comenius so as Erasmus+ is very important to achieve project goals and to coordinate them in a very professional way.She forms project groups among the teachers,divides the tasks between them according to the relevance to the project, so as teachers' skills.She is also the main translator at school, what helps to understand all of the documents written in English. She is also the interpreter during international meetings.The project teams always consist of the most valuable teachers who are very hard-working,optimistic and know how to encourage the children to participate in the projects in an active way.They help the coordinator to evaluate questionnaires,prepare presentations,so as collect all of the pieces of information to run projects in a fluent way.They also like learning new things and support each other when somebody is in need or doesn’t know how a particular task should be done.Some of them can speak English fluently but most of them not. However,with the help of person mention above (the school coordinator) and the other teacher of English, they always know what to do.

The address of the school website: Click here

Polish Educational system
