About school

Having an English Speaking Profile our school,Paradisskolan,is a public school and was built 18 years ago.It's located near the city center of Trollhattan and 45 minutes to Gothenburg and has 500 pupils (6-15 years old). We're 20 teachers,who are well educated with education degree and experience,work with the pupils 7th, 8th, 9th grades on a full time basis.At first our school was for children around the area but now children are free to choose where to go to school. Therefore wehave students from other social economic groups such as newly arrived from Syria and immigrants that didn't have the chance to integrate in Swedish society. That way ethnic Swedish pupil also gotmore knowledge about different cultures and more understanding.Some of our Swedish students have not been to the other side of Trollhattan,to the area where many immigrants live.This way they got new friends and a new perspective of a multicultural society. Trollhattan is a city well known for SAAB and Volvo aero motors,now called GKN and has guest workers from different countries such as the USA, the UK, South Africa and India.It's also known for technological development and we have a museum & workplace called Innovatum for students where they can develop their technical skills.The pupils are open minded and they always want to interact with other people. They're familiar with social media and to can work with computers / ipads.By taking part in this project we'd like to widen up our students perspective and let them have a deeper understanding for other cultures and backgrounds. Our staff have knowledge and experience from travelling and other culture and would like to share this with our students.Especially today when we suffer from lack of knowledge of different culture and background.Both key stuff, a contact person and the headmistress of the school try to integrate local society with school and students with different backgrounds and culture with ethnic Swedish students. The lady who is the contact person has also good IT skills. In our team a Spanish teacher who has worked with integration and the pupils´council, a Maths teacher/science subjects with a lot of skills in nature and historical environment, a Music teacher, teachers from English speaking classes, are attending the project with experience working in groups and different local projects.They are all motivated to show their interest in field of cultural heritage. One of our teachers is also running an eTwinning project together with a school in Germany and worked in a Erasmus+ project about understanding different cultures, called “Who is knocking at my door” between 2014-2016. She worked together with the lady who is a Swedish eTwinning ambassador.All our teachers also teach how to work in groups which of course is helpful while working in projects. We pay particular attention to special need students, involving them in many projects, interacting with all the classmates and teachers.

The address of the school website: Click here