Vocabulary Makeover

Vocabulary Makeover

A Vocabulary Makeover

Vocabulary is an essential part of language development, reading comprehension, and academic achievement. It's also an important step in scaffolding a lesson.

Here are some tips for moving from this old school vocabulary format to one that includes SWiRL (speaking, writing, interaction, reading, and listening), multiple exposures to the words, and a functional approach to language development.

✴Select the most frequent, useful, and essential vocabulary words. Keep the list under 10 words.

✴ Asses background knowledge of new words.

✴Introduce the words in context with a video or short text.

✴Allow students to practice the words with a partner.

✴Provide opportunities for students to match the words with student-friendly definitions. Do not ask students to find their own definitions. (They might not select the right context.)

✴Use the Frayer model to provide images, examples, and non-examples. Consider adding L1 to the Frayer model.

✴Use games to review vocabulary. (Kahoot, Quizziz, Quizlet, and Blooklet are favorites.)

✴✴Remember that students need multiple exposures to vocabulary words.