
Infographics 4 students

There are many reasons to incorporate infographics into your ESL class.

  • Infographics are an excellent way to support multilingual learners because they combine visuals AND text while supporting two modes of communication and expression.

  • Creating infographics incorporates digital literacy, an essential 21st-century skill.

  • ELA standards emphasize creating texts that "integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually."

  • Students generally enjoy creating them.

Creating infographics takes skill, but tools like Canva and Google Drawings have made it much more manageable. We suggest starting with a simple "top 5" or "5 ways to" theme. This will narrow the focus, so your students do not become overwhelmed by all the options.

Follow this slide deck to guide your students through the creation process. Happy designing