
Hugues de Varine 2017 - L'écomusée, singulier et pluriel - francaise, espagnol, italiano

Tract livre (1).pdf

A long awaited book "L'écomusée, singulier et pluriel" by Hugues de Varine is now available in Francaise, Spanish and Italian languages. The spanish version is downloadable for free.

Il nuovo libro molto atteso di Hugues de Varine è ora disponibile in francese, spagnolo e italiano! La versione spagnola è scaricabile gratuitamente.

Presentation of the Italian version of the book (in italian)

Presentation of the Spanish version of the book (in spanish)

Presentation of the Italian version of the book (in english) and discussion of the contents with the network of Italian ecomuseums

document_promotionnel (1).pdf

Riva, Raffaella, Ecomuseums and cultural landscapes. State of the art and future prospects - english

Riva, Raffaella (ed) (2017), Ecomuseums and cultural landscapes. State of the art and future prospects, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy, ISBN 9788891624956 (book), 9788891624963 (ebook).

The book describes the ecomuseums’ new season of development and renewal, starting from the debate launched in 2016 in Milan, on the occasion of the 24th ICOM General Conference, with the Forum of Ecomuseums and Community Museums, and the conference “Museums and cultural landscapes. The ecomuseums and community museums perspectives”, held at the Politecnico di Milano. >> more

(See the source webpage)

About the book and the book series "Studi e progetti"