Underneath all skies

Underneath all skies - Sotto tutti i cieli (vedi versione in italiano in fondo alla pagina)

Call for partners

The ecomuseums role in the landscape planning - Il ruolo degli ecomusei nella pianificazione paesaggistica


The experience of the lombard ecomuseums date back only to 2007 (Regional Law n. 13 /12 july 2007) but they soon proved very suitable to play an important role as valid interpreters of the landscape. They experienced innovative instruments such as the community map (parish map). Lombardy Region asked the lombard ecomuseums an informal collaboration in drawing the Regional Landscape Planning (PPR). This is why REL, in accepting the invitation of Lombardy Region to cooperate with it, soon thought how to adequately response to this calling which gives the ecomuseums altogether a role in such an important decision making. REL responded in giving not only instruments of information but even models of interpretation of its own heritage including the tangible and intangible heritage. Following the programme details here enclosed (1), REL has proposed Lombardy Region to cooperate in the drawing of a thorough survey which will enable to focus a scale of priorities in the safeguarding of the lombard landscape, very useful for PPR.

The “Regional Landscape Chart”

The lombard ecomuseums, since their institution, have used the instrument of the community map to make a list of their own heritage to be safeguarded. The community maps proved very suitable in connecting the identity features of the past with the emerging needs of a community alive and operative. As in other parts of Italy, even in Lombardy, the community maps have been used in drawing the action plans for a sustainable exploitation of the community heritage and for the urban planning. REL aims to draw a Chart of the Lombard Landscape which collects all the information gathered on the field through a systematic use of the community maps giving thus a more realistic sense to the technical and sometimes abstract rules of the usual regional planning. This community map could represent a sort of model and format which we could refer upon in the drawing of a strategy of safeguarding and maintenance of the typical lombard landscapes. REL aims not only to give the ecomuseums a role of important actors and interpreters of the territory, but even to give the public referring territorial authorities an approach more adherent to reality and the expectations of the community.

Expected results

The role of the ecomuseums could even be formalized in the regional commissions devoted to the drawing of the PPR for geographical zones and themes. The intention is to create a digital platform on which to transfer the criterions of interpretation of the cultural landscape to respond to what is one of the identity prerogative of the ecomuseum network. To this purpose REL has asked the 44 lombard ecomuseums to make a list of their own heritage, from the landscape heritage to the tangible and intangible one. The work is in progress, but it soon prove to be an evident and interesting contribution for the action of the ecomuseums and a solid database for what concerns signals and notes from the territory. This database could, for some aspects, be used in the drawing of the PPR as one of the interpretation act of the complex phenomenology of the making and maintenance of the typical lombard landscape. It could, once validated by REL, be submitted to the referring institutional authorities as a stage of interpretation and suggestion. Certainly this stage could be even more efficient if REL could directly participate in the work of the regional commissions. At the moment, this first sharing step would already be a formidable step towards the enhancement of the community heritage. To this purpose REL has already made an important step in constituting its internal commission Cultural Landscape (2) which has the goal to make a first draft of a Community Map of the Lombard Landscape.

Call for partners

Throughout this project “Underneath all skies” REL is here to ask all the ecomuseums from Italy and all over the world (even simple and unique realities) to experiment instruments, tools and interpretative rules, as concerns the landscape, to share with all ecomuseums. Therefore REL asks all its partners to share referring details of the instruments adopted or to adopt, to exchange documents and reports of the projects already activated or to activate, moreover, suggestion, purposes, initiatives of all kinds…with great benefit and output for everybody. The results will be reported and published on the digital platform of the international cooperation DROPS (3).

The referring persons for the REL Commission “Cultural Landscape”

- Edo Bricchetti (scientific advisor): edo.bricchetti@tin.it

- Raul dal Santo (coordinator): agenda21@comune.parabiago.mi.it


- Raul Dal Santo, 2013 CAN PARISH MAPS INSPIRE FUTURE? http://ecomuseo.comune.parabiago.mi.it/ecomuseo/risorse/brasil/inspiringfuture.pdf

- Edo Bricchetti, THE CASE STUDY OF VALLE SPLUGA LANDSCAPE, presentation of the Museum International issue dedicated to Museums, territorial systems and Cultural Landscapes. ICOM 27-28-29 November 2015, Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia.


1. Dettagli programmatici proposti a Regione Lombardia: https://sites.google.com/site/ecomuseidellalombardia/rappresentanza/piano-paesaggistico-regionale/Documento%20programmatico%20Rete%20degli%20Ecomusei%20lombardi%20per%20PPR%206.06.2016.docx?attredirects=0&d=1

2. Gruppo lavoro Inventario/paesaggio culturale nella rete ecomusei lombardi: https://sites.google.com/site/ecomuseidellalombardia/gruppo-inventario

3. DROPS platform: https://sites.google.com/view/drops-platform/home

Referring Bibliography

- LE MAPPE DI COMUNITA’ NEL PIANO PAESAGGISTICO TERRITORIALE DELLA REGIONE PUGLIA http://paesaggio.regione.puglia.it/images/stories/Mappe_COMUNIT/mappe_comunita_dossier.pdf

- Raul Dal Santo, 2013 DALLA MAPPA DEI LUOGHI ALLA CURA DEL TERRITORIO https://inventariopartecipativo.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/dal-santo-2013.pdf

- Edo Bricchetti, THE CASE STUDY OF VALLE SPLUGA LANDSCAPE, presentation of the Museum International issue dedicated to Museums, territorial systems and Cultural Landscapes. ICOM 27-28-29 November 2015, Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia.

- Edo Bricchetti, ECOMUSEI. Corso di formazione volontari ICOM Milano 2016 Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, 22 Aprile 2016

(EN) Strategic document of Italian ecomuseums, 2015

(IT) Documento strategico degli ecomusei italiani, 2015

(FR) Document stratégique des écomusées italiens, 2015

(ES) Documento estratégico de los écomuseos italianos, 2015

PDF version is below

NEW from Lombardy (ITA)

2017 august 30

Lombardy region pubblished a draft of the landscape regional plan (not approved yet) to acquire stakeholders suggestions.

The art. 39 talks about ecomuseums:

Art. 39 Ecomusei

1. Gli Ecomusei lombardi, nella loro attività, sostengono la conoscenza dei paesaggi culturali come strumento di rafforzamento dell’identità delle comunità; ne mettono in luce la matrice naturale e storica, forniscono chiavi di lettura e indicazioni di salvaguardia e valorizzazione del territorio nel suo complesso e nella sua identità.


2.Gli enti di cui all’art. 1, co. 3, delle presenti Norme, in base alle proprie competenze:

a. assumono nei propri strumenti di pianificazione gli Ecomusei presenti sul proprio territorio

b. prevedono forme di collaborazione, anche finalizzate alla formazione degli strumenti di pianificazione, per l’identificazione di elementi di lettura validi delle specificità territoriali e delle caratteristiche identitarie del sistema paesistico, ambientale, insediativo e infrastrutturale.