What can we do together?
#1 cooperative learning
#1 cooperative learning
- Continuing to build a solid foundation for ecomuseums, based on sound research that links community/regional cultural needs/opportunities, to ecomuseum strategies for public engagement and to measurable cultural outcomes (at various levels - impacts on individuals, groups/communities, local organizations, environmental systems resilience and more).
- Means a research, discussion and continuing education programme, the creation of linguistic zones, periodic Forums like the Milan one.
- It is fundamental to create a platform for capacity building, both for professionals and directors of ecomuseums, and for communities that are involved in ecomuseum projects. At the same time, the idea of proposing such project in different geographical areas, should be followed by a periodical check of the activities or, at least, an exchange on the results of the educational projects.
#2 inspire future together
#2 inspire future together
- Helping existing museums to incorporate the holistic approach of ecomuseums - thereby, shifting the focus of traditional museums towards adaptations that will help repurpose and realign mainstream museums with the changing cultural needs of communities within our increasingly pluralistic, urban and globalized world.
- It would instrumentalise ecomuseums and community museums as experience and methodology providers for all kind of official Heritage Institutions (museums, monuments, sites, nature parks, local associations) and a structural link with both ICOM, ICOMOS, UNESCO.
- It is strongly advisable to encourage the idea that the ecomuseums can provide experience and methodology to the official institutions, maybe with the creation, once implemented the DROPS platform, of a publication under the aegis of ICOM or UNESCO, in order to provide guidelines and to share successful experiences in the ecomuseum field.
#3 drops
#3 drops
- The Drops Platform, which would become the operational communication tool for the other three goals.
- The DROPS platform as an operational tool of communication, as a “chest” in which the different subjects can deposit their “treasures” of knowledge.
Perhaps there are other ways to imagine the range of tasks needed to create change within the museum world, that will translate into positive cultural change within communities and human systems.
Write us your suggestions and share your projects!