HdV message

Kyoto 2019. A message from Hugues de Varine. (13.12.2018)

"Hello to all friends and colleagues. I met yesterday Alberto Garlandini, Vice-President of ICOM and a great friend of ecomuseums. He told me that the Japanese Team which is organizing the next triennial ICOM General Conference, to be held in Kyoto in September 2019, has planned for an offsite meeting of ecomuseums in the Hirono Ecomuseum (Osaka), on 5th September. This is placed under the auspices of the ICOM International Committee for Regional Museums, the Japanese Ecomuseological Society (JECOMS) and the Small Museums Network of Japan. The theme and agenda of this event are not yet known, but it is not too early to prepare for either a physical participation or sending a written or visual contribution. This meeting, which would pursue the work of the Milan Forum of Ecomuseums and Community Museums (July 2016), will certainly be an opportunity to gather and mobilize the increasing number of ecomuseums and community museums from all the Asia-Pacific region. All colleagues from the other Regions of the world might want to establish exchange and collaboration relationships with them, to reinforce the world network which was born in Milan and is represented now by the DROPS Platform <https://sites.google.com/view/drops-platform/home>. As a conclusion to this informal piece of news, I send you all my very best wishes for the New Year."