
Cooperantion proposals

Call for partners of shared projects:

  • Ecomuseums and climate action 2021 - Survey of actions, pactice manual and cooperation between ecomuseums and community museums >>more

  • "Distant but united" 2020 Cooperation Charter between ecomuseums and community museums of Brazil and Italy. >>more

  • Underneath all skies - Sotto tutti i cieli - The ecomuseums role in the landscape planning - Il ruolo degli ecomusei nella pianificazione paesaggistica >>more

  • Italian Ecomuseums survey - Censimento degli ecomusei italiani Survey of italian ecomuseums >>more

To suggest actions and projects compile the form.

Call for papers

Call for feedback


Museums as Cultural Hubs: the Future of Tradition

2019 ICOM General Conference >>more

A new ecomuseums forum in Kyoto 2019. Message of Hugues de Varine. >>more

Distant but united. 2020 Cooperation Charter between ecomuseums and community museums of Brazil and Italy. >>more

Ask for cooperation

Fill this form to propose project, or call for papers and partners.

Compila questo modulo per proporre progetti, chiedere l'invio di articoli o creare partenariati su progetti specifici