Plataforma Internacional para

ecomuseos y museos comunitarios

bienvenido a la plataforma internacional para compartir experiencias y buenas prácticas

"gota a gota se construyen los ríos"

Nuestros OBJETIVoS

Conectar todas las redes nacionales de Ecomuseo y Museos Comunitarios, existentes o por establecer, y todas las experiencias relacionadas con el patrimonio y el paisaje, en un espacio virtual e interactivo.

Uno de nuestro objetivos principales es la producción de un fondo documental multilingüe, así como un fondo bibliográfico de recursos sobre ecomuseología y sus mejores prácticas.

¿Por qué"gotas"?

Es la metáfora utilizada por Gerard Corsane en la Conferencia General del ICOM de 2016.

Esta plataforma se asemeja a las gotas de agua que se unen en los ríos y, a través de los ríos, se encuentran con el mar y llegan al mundo.

"Network Drop" es una red de trabajo que se construye con las gotas de todos sus miembros.

What can you do?

Read the invitation letter. Adopt and sign the Milan Cooperation Charter. Click here to compile the online membership form.

This is a participatory website. You can modify texts (they are on google drive files), insert maps and video or other contents. We are using google drive files to easily migrate the shared materials to the official website . Try and enjoy (Ask first to the webmaster for permission).

Subscribe to the Linkedin circle and Facebook group to share studies, researches and pubblications and to have more informations. Send us photos for Pinterest.

Tell us about your projects, call for papers and for partners. Fill this form

What can we do together?



  • Continuing to build a solid foundation for ecomuseums, based on sound research that links community/regional cultural needs/opportunities to ecomuseum strategies for public engagement and to measurable cultural outcomes (at various levels - impacts on individuals, groups/communities, local organizations, environmental systems resilience and more).

  • Means a research, discussion and continuing education programme, the creation of linguistic zones, periodic Forums like the Milan one.

  • it is fundamental to create a platform for capacity building, both for professionals and directors of ecomuseums, and for communities that are involved in ecomuseum projects. At the same time, the idea of propose the project in different geographical areas should be followed by a periodical check of the activities, or at least an exchange on the results of the educational projects.

Are you are interested in the 2016 forum, literature and projects sections?


  • Fostering new ecomuseums, based on sound methods of community engagement, community visioning, strategies to add cultural value (culture in the broad sense of how people live their lives), measures of success and related feedback loops.

  • Means a collaborative policy offering to all ecomuseum projects the help of colleagues of the same or of another country, a sort of coaching

  • It is connected with the first remark, in the sense that the “coaching” could derive from educational projects, that could be developed in collaboration with ecomuseums of the same region/country/geographic area. The idea is interesting but there must be an efficient follow-up.

You can see the movies below and the "tools" chapter in literature section. Then you can ask us for help!


  • Helping existing museums to incorporate the holistic approach of ecomuseums - thereby shifting the focus of traditional museums towards adaptations that will help repurpose and realign mainstream museums with the changing cultural needs of communities within our increasingly pluralistic, urban and globalized world.

  • It would strumentalize ecomuseums and community museums as experience and methodology providers for all kind of official Heritage Institutions (museums, monuments, sites, nature parks, local associations) and a structural link with both ICOM, ICOMOS, UNESCO.

  • It' strongly to encourage the idea that the ecomuseums can provide experience and methodology to the official institutions, maybe with the creation, once implemented the DROPS platform, of a publication under the aegis of ICOM or UNESCO, in order to give guidelines and to tell successful experiences in the ecomuseum field.

You can see the project section here!

Perhaps there are other ways to imagine the range of tasks needed to create change within the museum world that will translate into positive cultural change within communities and human systems.


  • The Drops Platform, which would become the operational communication tool for the other three goals.

  • The DROPS platform as an operational tool of communication, as a “chest” in which the different subjects can deposit their “treasures” of knowledge.

Write us your suggestions!

Networks who joined us:

Let fill the world of drops...

We are working on the 17th sustainable development goal: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

The Steering Committee of the Milan Cooperation Charter:

Raul Dal Santo (Italia)

Hugues de Varine (France)

Óscar Navajas Corral (España)

Karen Brown (Scotland)

Heloisa Helena Costa (Brasil)

Douglas Worts (Canada)

Kazuoki Ohara (Japan)

If you have any questions, please contact us at <>

Technical Secretariat:

Francesca Pandolfi (Italia)

Filedelfja Musteqja (Italia)

My little world in Parabiago (Milan, Italy). Write to the webmaster. Raul Dal Santo