Whatsapp Group Guidelines
Guidelines for Group members
Message Posting Guidelines
What to Post
a) Any item that is useful for the members like relevant government announcements,etc
b) Any forward that is of legitimate entertainment value, but do not hurt anybody’s feelings, sentiments (after all, one of the purposes of association is to be happy… isn’t it?)
c) Any forward or item with a view to share knowledge eg. Technology trends, Novel ideas, useful Apps,Tips...etc
d) Jokes or humorous stories in lighter vein without hurting individual or group sentiments/feelings
e) Personal Travelogues of members..etc that could be useful for the fellow members
f) Greetings , Wishes of Birthday, Wedding day of members
g) Messages relating to sharing the grief of the members (demise/obituary)
h) Get well soon messages for members
What NOT to Post
a) Avoid posting any other items than the ones mentioned above
b) DO NOT Post items relating to POLITICS, POLITICAL Parties..etc
c) DO NOT Post items relating to RELEGION or Caste.
OTHER Guidelines
a) Don’t Criticize or make fun of any of the posts by members.
Even if a provoking post is made by another member, refrain from picking up an argument with the poster on the group, Instead raise it with group administrator in a personal chat for group administrator to handle the issue.
Criticize in Private, Praise in Public is the attitude for cooperation….!
Even if you don’t praise, please refrain from being critical in PUBLIC.
b) As a member , How to deal with a poster who violates Group norms
Don’t post in the group advising the member about rules of the group. Group administrator will handle it as per an approved process.
You can raise it to the Group administrator, privately, if you want.
Be assured, Group administrator is ever vigilant and will act.
c) FORWARD the FORWARDs responsibly
As far as possible, kindly ensure that what you are going to share (forward) has NOT already been shared. Most of us get excited the first time we see a good post and share it immediately in enthusiasm. So Sometimes it may happen that we post the same again. it is ok. Everyone makes a mistake. But don’t repeat the mistake. Make sincere attempt to cross check.
Do view/Read the forwards fully before you decide to re-forward. If possible add your comments describing the forwards with some details of what you felt special about it or what it concerns with ..etc. This will save time for others looking to the posts.
Don’t forward enormously higher number of messages. We don’t want to put a cap on the numbers, but, don’t make us do so..! You decide on the number yourself and restrict.
It is not really necessary that you forward all that you come across, however good they may be. You will definitely not miss sharing good ones with your fellow members as people get posts from several other groups as well and chances that they don’t get to read a good forward is remote.
d) Don’t take Group administrator’s instructions personally
When group administrator tells you to avoid certain types of posts, please don’t take them personally. Please try and understand that he just carries out what he has been told to do on behalf of the Association. It is not his personal opinion or wish. So, kindly understand and cooperate …!
e) Repeated violations
Repeated violations may lead you yourself debarring yourself. .. Yes… it is each one of the members including you who framed these guidelines and violating it repeatedly amounts to you yourself debarring yourself from the group.
We can’t allow it, because we don’t want to lose your company. So, kindly understand and cooperate …!