Regular EVENTS
While the CMWA is formed with an aim to address the social issues of the residents in a collective manner, the larger objective is to create an environment conducive for a friendly and happy living in the society. Towards achieving this objective certain events are held on a regular basis by our association. They are as follows
- Sports day :
This is a an annual event where the members and their family participate. Sports events covering various age groups starting from KG students to Senior citizens are conducted for both genders. This event is conducted normally in January around Pongal time frame. All events carry prizes for winners just to encourage enthusiasm.
This is a an annual event where the members and their family participate. This will be culminating event for the year. During this event, the prizes for Sports day winners are distributed.
This is the most popular event of the association that everyone eagerly look forward to. It is also very special just because of the fact that it directly contributes to the togetherness of the members. This is an event where members and their children show case their talent ( Cultural ) for every one to enjoy. Number of events used to be so overwhelming that most of the times the event extends beyond late night which speaks for the enthusiasm of the members.
This event gives you respite from the usual entertain(t)ments of TV and cinema halls for a while...!!
One can witness the following cultural programs during this mega event :
Dance performance
Group play like Thambola
Sloka recitation
and... many more.....
Talent hitherto unknown or unexplored are usually brought to light in this most enjoyable event .
This is a an annual event for the ladies of the house to participate. Kolams of various categories like Rangoli, traditional are drawn. These are judged to select Prize winners for each categories.
The enthusiasm of the participants and the onlookers is a sight to behold..!
The association also encourages creativity by awarding Prizes for best Golu every year. The entire Nagar will be buzzing with people going from house to house to see the Golu, a wonderful event that promotes congenial community living.
- Summer camp
Summer camp for children is conducted to promote the talent of Art & Craft in children.
Apart from the above events certain need based events like Personality development program for youth, children, Awareness programs, medical camps are conducted from time to time.