Annual General Body Meeting 2018
Post date: Dec 31, 2018 10:42:18 AM
This year's AGM was conducted on 23-Dec-2018. With the term of previous team of office bearers coming to an end , new office bearers were elected.
The team of office bearers for 2019-20 - > Please click here
Congratulations and best wishes to the team taking charge.
While we thank & welcome the new office bearers on this special day, its also our duty to recognize the effort of the team that was in office over the past two years with a big thank-you . As the tradition of our association and that of the outgoing office bearers go , I am sure they will continue to render their service , Support and Guidance.
In context of the new team taking over, it will not be out of place , in fact , is imperative that we revisit our Guiding Principles and refresh ourselves.