Park at Muthulakshmi Nagar inaugurated on 25-Jul-2010

Post date: Jul 29, 2010 12:49:06 AM

The park at Pughazhendi street near Sri Vallabha Ganapathy Veera Anjaneyar temple was dedicated for use on 25th Jul 2010. The Chitlapakkam Town Panchayat handed over the key of the recently developed park to the office bearers of the association. At a function held on 25th July 2010, Sri R. Mohan, the President of the Chitlapakkam Town Panchayat and the chief guest of the function handed over the key of the park to the CMWA.

He assured that the park that is developed with an initial cost of Rs 3.6 lakhs will further be upgraded with other facilities needed. Sri N.C.Krishnan former president Chitlapakkam Town Panchayat participated in the function and lauded the efforts of CMWA. Sri S. Sridhar, Bank manager, Bank of Maharashtra Chitlapakkam and Sri R. Karunamoorthy, 7th ward member offered their felicitation. Large number of members of the association and office bearers of Saraswathy Nagar welfare association participated in the function.

Photos of the occasion can be viewed here.