Electoral list-New inclusion applications accepted at Govt School and Rosily Sch - Chitlapakkam till 30th Oct 13

Post date: Oct 5, 2013 7:29:51 AM

Govt School,Chitlapakkam and Rosily School are accepting applications for inclusion of names in electoral list till 30th Oct 2013.They also have a list of existing electoral list that you can use to verify if your name is present.

Thanks to our counselor Sri Karunamurthy for giving a copy of the list to the association .The list is available with Mr Sundararaman for anyone to contact and obtain details.

You can also verify your entry in electoral list online using this link -> Electoral List (also present in Useful Links page found at the left bar).

If you find your name then make a note of the Part number and Serial number that will come in handy to locate the booth where you can vote during elections.