Founder president of Sarvamangala nagar residents association passes away
Post date: Sep 28, 2013 2:31:48 AM
Please read below for details of news item as contributed by Mr Sundararaman for publication:
" A couple of weeks back Sri.P.N.Srinivasan,84,Freedom fighter,Gandhian,Editor Bharathamani magazine and founder president of Sarvamangala nagar residents association chitlapakkam passed away.A condolence meeting was organized by them on 22-9-2013 which was attended by Hon'ble minister T.K.M.Chinnaiya,Sri.Narayana rao,Sri.N.C.Krishnan, Sri.R.Mohan and others. They have called me also as president of CMWA and i also attended and recalled the services done by him and our interaction with P.N.Srinivasan.
- L.Sundararaman"