Evolution of CMWA

புத்தேழ் உலகத்தும் ஈண்டும் பெறல் அரிதே

ஒப்புரவின் நல்ல பிற (213)

There is no pleasure in this or the God's world equal to the joy of being helpful to those around you.

The joy each one of us at the CMWA are experiencing now..! This has been the founding principle of our association.

The decision to form an association was taken on 22-Jul-1990 at a meeting.

P.T.Ramaswamy (one of the then Sr. Citizens) was the president while Muthu and Kannan were the Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

It was appropriate that these torch bearers were the first office bearers of the Chitlapakkam Muthulakshmi Nagar welfare Association.

The association grew from strength to strength passing through several mile stones.
