Important Dates & Info
Tryouts will be Thursday, February 27th; Wednesday, March 5th; and Thursday, March 6th starting at 3:15 ending no later than 5:30 with practice scheduled for Friday March 7th.
Note: Starting at 3:15 means you should be checked in and ready to begin warming up with the team at 3:15, not walking up to the track at 3:15.
All forms are DUE February 19th. If you do not have the correct paperwork submitted by 3:15 on Wednesday February 19th, you won't be permitted to participate on Thursday. Required forms are listed below.
Practices will regularly be at 3:15 PM, EVERY weekday, unless you are told otherwise by your coaches.
Pre-Season Forms - Due 2/19
To be eligible to join our team and compete in tryouts you must have the following completed:
VHSL 2021 Physical Form - One hard copy must be scanned and emailed to or be delivered to the Athletic Training Office in the gym lobby. You can also mail the physical to the Attention of the Activities Office 4201 Stringfellow Rd. Chantilly VA 20151. Check that you complete all of the signatures! You only have to submit this form one time per school year.
FCPS Athlete Registration (R-School) - You only have to submit this once per year BUT you have to log in and make sure you checkmark ALL the sports and seasons you are participating in! This system is designed by FCPS to allow you to complete the following: Emergency Care Card, Concussion Education, Weight room form, Drivers form, field trip form... ALL of these are required of athletes and if it is not completed you are not eligible to try out. Instructions are included on the site.
Questions about the VHSL physical and athlete registration items need to be directed to our athletic trainer Katelyn Bishop
Spirit Packs
These three items are required for every athlete to participate in competition.
Singlet (worn in competition)
Team Shirt (worn during warmups)
Team Shorts/Spandex (worn in competition).
All other items (sweats, etc.) are optional.
The store for purchasing items is only open for a short time to ensure that items arrive in time for the first competition.
Athletes must purchase their singlet directly from Coach Hicks, bringing a check for $40.00 made out to CHANTILLY Track & Field. Please put the athlete's name and size in the memo / notes field.
Use the guide below for some sample workouts to do to get in shape before tryouts.