Hall of Fame Info
CHS Cross Country/Track & Field Hall of Fame
Purpose: To honor the athletic achievements of Chantilly's best student athletes, or contributions of key coaches/supporters, throughout the storied history of Chantilly's track/cross country programs.
Nomination Process: While it may be difficult to always determine exactly who is "Hall of Fame" worthy, those athletes selected should reflect both the highest competitive level of their time (on the district, region and state levels), as well as achievements which would stand up throughout time as Chantilly's best. Those enshrined should have made positive contributions to the program as sportsmen/sportswomen of the highest order. As such, a two step process is proposed.
Step One:
Achievement Ranking:
While it may be easy to say that winning a state title should earn a hall of fame status, plenty of athletes have steady successful careers without ever actually winning one. With this in mind, it is proposed that a point system be used. Using the following point system over one's four year career, an athlete must amass at least 30 points to be considered. Athletes shall be awarded full credit for participation on relays. Points shall be earned in the following ways (for each event/year/time earned):
State Champion- 20 points
Regional Champion- 12 points
District Champion- 6 points
State Runner-up- 12 points
Regional Runner-up- 8 points
District Runner Up- 4 points
All State (3-8- track; 3-7cross country)- 8 points
2nd Team All State Cross Country (8-15)- 6 points
All Region (3-6 track; 3-7 cross country)- 4 points
2nd Team All Region Cross Country (8-15) 3 points
All District (3-6- track; 3-7cross country)- 3 points
2nd Team All District Cross Country (8-15) 2 points
All-American (Footlocker, NIKE/Kinney)
National Champion- 30 points
National Runner Up- 20 points
All- American (3-6 Track/3-15 Footlocker)- 12 points
Footlocker Qualifier- 10 points
Washington Post All Met
Runner of the Year- Cross Country/Winter Track/Spring Track- 10 points
First Team- 7 points
2nd Team Cross Country- 5 points
Honorable Mention- 3 points
Team MVP- 5 points
Record Set (School, District, Regional or State)- 5 points each
Step Two:
Once an athlete has established achievements meeting the 30 point minimum, he or she must be approved by a majority of a panel of at least three advisors. This panel shall consist, at minimum of the current track & field coach, an "alumni" coach, and one other person actively involved in the current program (can be an assistant coach, athletic director, prominent parent official) and agreed upon by the other two parties. At least one of the parties cannot be directly linked to any of the candidates, either by blood or as a coach/athlete. No athlete may be enshrined until 3 years after graduation.
It has been determined that the nomination process shall consist of an initial selection of up to 10 semi-finalists. This group will be determined by the group of coaches, and by nomination of all members enshrined. The names will be nominated anonymously, and then constructed following a discussion and majority vote by everyone present at that meeting. Voting shall take place annually in early November, with a meeting schedule for the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving.
Each year's final class will include at least 4 members, as determined by vote of the coaches panel and members, with the four highest vote totals from the semi-finalist list being included. The class may also include a fifth or sixth member if there is "significant support", of at least 2/3 of present members at a meeting following voting. This meeting will be scheduled sometime in the last week of December, during the winter holiday.
This group may also make nominations, in addition, for any athlete, coach, or supporter, who shall be deemed as having made a "distinct" and lasting contribution to CHS Track & Cross Country. (ie: coaching multiple district championship teams, regional or state championship teams, or longevity of service). While this may not be quantifiable, these members must be agreed upon by at least 2/3 of all members present for the initial November meeting.
How Will Enshrinees Be Honored:
It is the intention of this Hall of Fame to preserve the legacy for CHS greats, and to honor them for their success. Those being honored shall be publicly recognized and awarded with a plaque, and will have their name displayed on a plaque in the gym lobby. A profile of their career shall also be posted on the team website. The dinner and induction ceremony will be held annually in the spring.
Nomination/Selection Process
The 2019 class will be decided in a three part process, with selected coaches and prior Hall of Fame members have equal opportunities to participate in the selction process. The final class will include at least 4 members, and may include up to 6, with significant support.
Dates to remember:
September 17th- 11:00 am - Members will select 10 semi-finalists to be decided upon by voting.(All members are welcome and encouraged to attend).
November 20th- 1:00 pm @ CHS- Members will select final class. The top 4 vote getters will be chosen; a 5th or 6th may also be chosen if there is significant support. This meeting will also be used for planning.(All members are welcome and encouraged to attend).
March 1st- 2019 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
To Vote for the Finalist for the Class of 2019 click on the link below. Please be certain to use your name/email address for verification. You may choose up to 4, or you may write in an additional athlete,or coach/supporter not listed, although any athlete must be verified as eligible for consideration. You may only vote once, and in the event that more than 4 are listed, only the first 4 names will be considered.
Chantilly HS Cross Country/Track & Field Hall of Fame- Class of 2019 Final Voting (Balloting will be open from November 11th through 19th) Executive Committee:
If you have any questions, suggestions, information for our database, or if you are interested in helping in some way, please direct them to the executive committee: