Channel C²

"A Channel for Christian Conversation."


Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses


  • Veteran Member
  • 289 posts
  • Joined: May 24, 2009
  • Posted at 9:53 pm on Jun 22, 2012

Ok, I thought of this "tongue in cheek" and after realizing that I'd bit hard, and my tongue became sore, it transformed into a "why not?" idea... Your thoughts on this below are welcome:


I've been reading the new elders book (a copy of which I'm willing to share with anyone here on ChannelC) concerning the DF'ing and reinstatement procedures.

It seems to me that a person may request to be reinstated, a committee is formed, and a decision is made, then a public announcement is made if the person is reinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses... All of which can be done according to the elders book, yet the decision rests with the reviewing committee, and what is there to hold us back from forming committees and annulling DF'ings and reinstating those who are clearly wrongly DF'ed.

(Note that it is easier to recall a DF'ing that was done on improper grounds than to reinstate someone who admits guilt and wishes to conform to Watchtower discipline procedures.)

So I propose we go about this tout de suite and take advantage of the wonderful provision of reinstatement by committee.

I volunteer as Committee Secretary to serve papers on any congregation informing them of a person's reinstatement as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Personally I can see the first case before such a Committee to be the DF'ing of Raymond Franz. I feel that given the information that we now have available out on public through the internet can serve as basis enough to recall the decision by the brothers who DF'ed Ray and reinstate the brother publicly online... starting with an entry on Wikipedia and posting it all through the Witness Forums and ex-JW forums out-there in the cloud.

So what do you think? Anyone up for serving on a reinstatement committee?

