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"A Channel for Christian Conversation."


Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

As I promised

Posted by royboyxx on Sun - May 16 - 5:01pm:

Well, I promised you a report on how things went Saturday at my book-

signing, so here it is.

The three newspapers that ran a story on me brought ex-jw's out of

the woodwork who live in my town. They were either Witnesses

themself or had family members who were and wanted to know more

about it. People trickled in from noon 'till 6 p.m enjoying the food

and drink and a couple brief presentations from me and many had

questions about Witnesses. Most people read the Stockton record and

saw the nice article by Mike Fitzgerald. The local paper, Lodi

Sentinel came out with another article on Saturday. Here's the URL

in case you want to read it. Click "More of the story"

There were a couple of things mentioned in the Sentinel that I kinda

of crinched at, but all and all it was pretty good. I learned

something about my son that I didn't know. I had heard that he was

an elder, but the paper said that he is now a former elder. I

wondered what happened there. His statement that witnesses have high

moral standards and therefore must watch who they associate with,

even family members, seemed to imply that I was kicked out of the

Org. for being immoral instead of leaving due to not agreeing with

them. That bothered me a bit. But, what is he going to say. "I don't

talk to my father because he doesn't believe the way I do." His

statement that we must follow the rules of the Watchtower is very

telling, I thought. When the rules change, then he will change.

About 30 books were sold. I was surprised that more didn't show up

after all the publicity, but I have seen some residual effect. As I

was typing this post a man came to my door asking for the book. He

said he was married to a woman who later became a Witness, but he

didn't. She began to date a Witness at the Hall, knowing that she

was married. They got divorced. The two Witnesses got married and

then left the Organization. I've gotten e-mail from people from

Norway and all over after seeing my webpage. It's very interesting.

So, there's the report.


As I promised - Posted by royboyxx - Sun - May 16 - 5:01pm

Re: As I promised - Posted by Balsam - Sat - May 22 - 4:30pm