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Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

My portfolio

Posted by Sherwood on Mon - Jul 14 - 11:28am:

It dawned on me that there is mystery on newcomers as to what they currently believe. I wished to state my beliefs for easier dialogue if one wishes to opine.

Current Religion:


Current Congregation:


Who is God:

Jehovah (english) is the only true God.

Who is Jesus Christ:

Jesus Christ is the only begotton son of God. He is not the only true God. I don't believe in the Trinity or dual deity formulas.

What is the Holy Spirit:

It is God's spirit, not God himself. Just as one can 'feel' the spirit of men, God allows his spirit to be felt. God spirit can also actively aid and direct the physical, mental and spiritual activities of mankind.

What is Hell.

Hell is mankind's common grave. The wicked and good go to hell until the resurrection. Jesus was the first example.

What is Heaven.

Heaven is the residence of Jehovah, Jesus and various forms of angelic type creatures.

What is the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is a synonym for Kingdom of the Heavens. The Kingom of God is to be put on the earth "as it IS in heaven."

Who will rule in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus Christ and a 144,000 co-rulers as kings and priests.

Where will they rule:

In New Jeruselum when it "comes down to the earth" with the 12 Apostles leading the 12 tribes encompassing 12,000 each. In other words, the authority of New Jeruselum is authorized by the God in Heaven, not men on earth as Modern Day Israel is today.

What will happen at Armageddon.

God will cleanse the earth of the wicked. This judgment is not specified as "eternal destruction."

Who are the wicked:

Those worshipping false gods

Those living in immorally as seen in God's Breathed Words.

Those not doing the Father's Will

What is the "Flesh" or "Flesh and Blood"

Our present imperfect physical and spiritual condition or state before God.

Should all christians preach.

No. Not all are commissioned to be evangelizers. All should however, express their faith when called upon to the best of their ability.


All of mankind's resurrections are upon the earth. There is a First Resurrection thus a second. There is a resurrection of those who made a name with Jehovah (the righteous) and those did not build up a name with Jehovah (the unrighteous). The 1,000 Day of Judgment is the time to "set matters straight" among the nations and those resurrected to them.

Eternal Judgment:

Eternal Judgment Happens in the Day of Judgment toward those who never desired to "know God or obey God." An Eternal Judgement does not happen in this system of things unless Jehovah personally judges otherwise. Those personally judged need not be speculated. Consider the dispostion Christ taught toward Judas Iscariot.

Blood Transfusion.

Conscience matter.

Sex lifestles:

Marriage only between one male and one female.


Upon Fornication only by the OTHER marital partner. Abusive situations need not be tolerated, but re-marriage is forbidden by Jesus Christ, the lord of a christian's faith.

Sex habbits inside marriage.

Conscience matter.


Not specified. Conscience matter according to knowledge.


Permitted in moderation. Conscience matter.


Illegal drugs taken are a disrespect to Ceaser's Law. Prescription drugs are a conscience matter according to knowledge.


Conscience matter according to knowledge.


Conscience matter but always in moderation.

My most inspiring 'teachers' since leaving the JW's in 2002 (JW tenure was from August 1985 to March 2002).

Ron Day of Restoration Light (reslight).

Anthony Buzzard of Restoration Fellowship.

Ray Franz from Christan Freedom book

Greg Stafford - Three disortations book

Hope these tidbits help is getting to know you with out all the hoopla of inquiring with guess work type questions.

My portfolio - Posted by Sherwood - Mon - Jul 14 - 11:28am

Re: My portfolio - Posted by JM - Mon - Jul 14 - 2:28pm

Re: My portfolio - Posted by Sherwood - Mon - Jul 14 - 3:20pm

Re: My portfolio - Posted by TomCabeen - Tue - Jul 15 - 4:28pm

Re: My portfolio - Posted by Sherwood - Tue - Jul 15 - 7:56pm