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Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

The Millennium

Posted by Manfred on Sun - May 9 - 12:57am:

I understand that many participants of this forum believe that the resurrection will take place in heaven. I strongly tend to believe the same (1. Cor. 15:44, John 14:2 “otherwise I would have told you”). I believe that the earth will exist forever, but I do not see a clear cut scripture indicating that the individual will live on earth everlasting. Therefore I would like to ask you the following two questions:

1. Which scripture indicates that human beings will life on earth forever?

2. Do we have to take the expression “Millennium” literally?

To me, a clue is Matthew 22:30 “… in the resurrection neither do men marry no are woman given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven…” I have been taught by the WTS that this scripture refers to the earth. Of course! Otherwise the earth would be filled within a couple of weeks. But this statement does not make sense. The reverse is: at the end of the thousand years, when human beings will be perfect again, perfect like Adam and Eve were, they will be – I beg your pardon- castrated, perfect human beings without intact private parts! This is nonsense, this is not the crown of the creation, this is not paradise regained. Matthew 22:30 refers to a resurrection in heaven as all the other scriptures in the NT do. The WTS knows this very well, as they teach that the NT has been written especially for the 14400.

I believe that everlasting life can not take place in a finite dimension. But the earth is a finite, a limited place. Everlasting life can take place only in an infinite dimension like heaven.

So, would you please help me to readjust my thoughts? Do you believe in a literal Millennium, and if so, why? And if not, how else could we understand this expression? Do you believe that resurrection will take place on earth? And if so, which scriptures indicate that this will happen on earth?

Your comments are very welcome.


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The Millennium - Posted by Manfred - Sun - May 9 - 12:57am

Re: The Millennium - Posted by ros - Fri - May 14 - 8:04pm

Re: The Millennium - Posted by Manfred - Sat - May 15 - 12:43am

Re: The Millennium - Posted by OneRiver - Tue - May 11 - 08:27am

Re: The Millennium - Posted by Manfred - Wed - May 12 - 02:23am

Re: The Millennium - Posted by Seeker - Mon - May 10 - 01:54am

Re: The Millennium - Posted by Manfred - Wed - May 12 - 02:34am

Re: The Millennium - Posted by RR - Sun - May 9 - 5:45pm

Re: The Millennium - Posted by Manfred - Wed - May 12 - 02:56am

Re: The Millennium - Posted by Hendog - Mon - May 10 - 09:39am

Re: Resurrection - Posted by RR - Mon - May 17 - 08:31am

Re: Resurrection - Posted by Manfred - Tue - May 18 - 00:55am

Re: Resurrection - Posted by RR - Mon - May 24 - 2:18pm