Channel C²

"A Channel for Christian Conversation."


Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

On Reality, con't.

Posted by MountainDweller on Thu - May 20 - 7:52pm:

To All,

On Exiiting the WT, con't.:

On "The Really Big Deal."

Those exiting the WT are in for a jolt of sorts, so, to those considering, here it is (and this is pretty tough):

Nobody, almost, really cares.

That's it.

I wish it were a lot more dramatic. However, you will find the WT has a "zero" impact on Society at Large. The Witnesses" view of thier importance is a self made delusion that you are now cought up in. I was. I thought my leaving would be that Really Big Deal. It was not and it is not. The Kingdom Hall is, literally, a five minute walk from my house, and it might as well be a cemetary or vacant lot standing there. It has that much impact on me and the communitty. Just (did I spell that right?)....

If you are expecting a Really Big Deal...well outside of loosing the respect of folks everyone considers irrellavant (like my spelling), you are are just in for a empty spot.

That, though, seems to blow folks away. They are expecting something "big" and nothing happens and that nothing is very, very hard to deal with. The reason is simple: if a Really Big Deal did, in fact, happen it would prove some pwoer or knowledge or God-blessing was on the GB and you find out it is not and this is like a hit to the old mid-drift. That is devastting for some.

Just something to think about.

Till later,


On Reality, con't. - Posted by MountainDweller - Thu - May 20 - 7:52pm

Re: On Reality, con't. - Posted by TomCabeen - Mon - May 24 - 5:50pm

Re: On Reality, con't. - Posted by Balsam - Fri - May 28 - 09:04am

Re: On Reality, con't. - Posted by MountainDweller - Sat - May 29 - 10:20am

The reality - Posted by Balsam - Sat - May 22 - 5:23pm

Re: The reality - Posted by Deborah - Mon - May 24 - 1:10pm

Deborah - Posted by Balsam - Fri - May 28 - 09:13am

PS: To Roy - Posted by MountainDweller - Fri - May 21 - 11:22am

Re: PS: To Roy - Posted by Deborah - Thu - Jun 3 - 1:58pm