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Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

Posted at 1:59 pm on Feb 2, 2012

"Eppur si muove" Italian for "And still it moves" is what Galileo Galilei supposedly said after recanting. Whether he did say it out loud right then or in private with those he trusted. Galileo recanted but deep within him he knew he was in the right and the Catholic Church was wrong. The Earth did move, this is truth, and this can be proven to be true today. Back then the Catholic Church took advantage over the fact that they had lots of power and could exert it against the individual. It was always about power.

It's still about power today when Joe talks about not feeling any guilt about misleading any would be JW inquisitor trying to get at a brother or sister who's perceived as disloyal to the JW Organization.

It's still about power. It is the power of the "evil slave" who turns on his fellow servants and beats them, whether by medieval scourging or emotional blackmail and mental abuse today, that "evil" manifests itself within the Christian congregation because the Master seems to have delayed by their reckonings and they feel they can get away with it. And so far... it may seem like such "evil" has been getting away with the suppression of truth and the abuse of Christ's followers.

But we know the Scriptures give us a reason to wait patiently; and in this we hope. That there's a foretold calling to account that will take place. None of us want to be found wanting during that time. But the evil deeds of that wicked slave will be clearly seen, exposed, and judged.

The Earth does still move, but with God there's no turning of the shadow, as in a sundial, as time passes He's forever the same. His standards do not change. It is by His Grace and love for mankind, (for us, His Creation in His image), that God has sent us a means for Salvation.

Would God hold it against Galileo for recanting? I don't think He would. Neither do I think that Jehovah would fault Joe in the situation he might find himself in. We each have our Christian Quest, our Path to figure out as we strive to keep in step with Christ perfect example, and yet we aren't perfect.