Channel C²

"A Channel for Christian Conversation."


Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses


Posted by Euphemism on Tue - Jul 15 - 2:11pm:

Greetings, all. I just wanted to briefly introduce myself.

Some of you may know me from other sites; I'm active on JWD and Pathways. I'm in my early 20's and was raised a Witness. I had questions and doubts ever since my late teens, but I generally pushed them to the back of my head. I knew that the WTS' attitudes of restrictive control and refusal to admit its mistakes were wrong, but I still believed it was Jehovah's Organization.

Around the middle of last year was the first time that I dared to actually disagree with the WTS on a doctrine that they consider major (the responsibility of all Christians to preach publicly and formally). After that, my personal research led me farther and farther away from the WTS, but I continued to be troubled and torn, full of guilt and fear. Finally, I decided to read Crisis of Conscience. Ray's statements about "the myth of the organization" made a light go off in my head. I realized that while I no longer believed in the org, it had a larger-than-life presence in my mind, and I was still letting it control me. From the moment I realized that, I was free.

I'm still attending meetings for the sake of family; my fiance and I are planning to fade away sometime after our wedding this year. I'm already free mentally and spiritually, however, and that's what's important to me.

Anyway, that's me. I see some highly respected researchers here, and interesting posts by many members. So I'm greatly looking forward to participating in the discussions. Thanks to ros for having me here!

Philia to all,


Introduction - Posted by Euphemism - Tue - Jul 15 - 2:11pm

Re: Introduction - Posted by RW - Wed - Jul 16 - 05:47am

Re: Introduction - Posted by AmhaAret - Tue - Jul 15 - 7:28pm

Re: Introduction - Posted by Truthseeker - Tue - Jul 15 - 2:44pm