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The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession

Posted by Euphemism on Tue - Jul 15 - 11:58pm:

This is a thought provoked by Tom Cabeen's post about the Great Apostasy.

What scriptural evidence is there of a 'great apostasy', in which the church as a whole would become corrupt? Scriptures such as Ac 20:30, 2 Thess 2:3, and 1 Tim 4:1 indicate that apostasy would be a problem in the congregation, but they do not necessarily predict that the whole congregation would become corrupt. Mt 13:38 says that "the field" in which wheat and weeds would grow together is "the world", not the congregation.

I certainly agree, as any reasonable person must, that the facts bear out that Christianity became increasingly corrupt. But my question is, is there any scriptural evidence for the notion of a great apostasy, and the rejection by God of the organized Christian body?

The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by Euphemism - Tue - Jul 15 - 11:58pm

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by Echo - Sat - Jul 19 - 09:03am

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by vinoverita - Sat - Jul 19 - 6:57pm

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by Echo - Sat - Jul 19 - 1:09pm

Testimony of the Fathers - Posted by vinoverita - Wed - Jul 16 - 6:10pm

Re: Testimony of the Fathers - Posted by Euphemism - Fri - Jul 18 - 2:19pm

Re: Testimony of the Fathers - Posted by vinoverita - Sat - Jul 19 - 00:36am

Re: Testimony of the Fathers - Posted by Euphemism - Sat - Jul 19 - 02:08am

Re: Testimony of the Fathers - Posted by vinoverita - Sat - Jul 19 - 2:50pm

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by vinoverita - Wed - Jul 16 - 4:19pm

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by Euphemism - Fri - Jul 18 - 2:02pm

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by vinoverita - Fri - Jul 18 - 6:41pm

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by Euphemism - Sat - Jul 19 - 01:45am

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by Sherwood - Wed - Jul 16 - 10:25am

Re: The Great Apostasy and Apostolic Succession - Posted by OldFreak - Wed - Jul 16 - 00:12am