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Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

To Vinoverta

Posted by Truthseeker on Fri - Jul 18 - 11:48am:

Hi James,

Some time ago you posted an excellent comment about "circular reasoning." I've searched the site but I can't find it. Would you happen to still have a copy of it? I would love to see it again--if you have it, or know how I might find it, I'd really appreciate it.

Love and Blessings to You,


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To Vinoverta - Posted by Truthseeker - Fri - Jul 18 - 11:48am

Re: To Vinoverta - Posted by BibleScholar - Fri - Jul 18 - 4:36pm

Re: To Vinoverta - Posted by Truthseeker - Fri - Jul 18 - 9:31pm

Re: To Vinoverta - Posted by vinoverita - Fri - Jul 18 - 1:28pm

Re: To Vinoverta - Posted by Truthseeker - Fri - Jul 18 - 2:31pm