Channel C²

"A Channel for Christian Conversation."


Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

Home Christian Groups II

Posted by Cory on Mon - Jul 14 - 11:22pm:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Some time ago I started a topic regarding Home Christian groups. Those who have been "burned" by so-called Christian organizations, like the WTS still need Christian fellowship. One way to achieve that is to start a Home Christian group in your own home.

At the time of the last posting, there wasn't a lot of response. I was wondering if that has changed. Are people beginning to fellowship in their homes more now? Your experiences are of great interest to me

For support in starting your own home group, see the accompanying link.

In service to our Lord,


Home Christian Groups II - Posted by Cory - Mon - Jul 14 - 11:22pm

Re: Home Christian Groups II - Posted by AmhaAret - Tue - Jul 15 - 7:37pm

Re: Home Christian Groups II - Posted by ros - Tue - Jul 15 - 1:53pm

Re: Home Christian Groups II - Posted by Sherwood - Tue - Jul 15 - 1:31pm

Re: Home Christian Groups II - Posted by JJ - Tue - Jul 15 - 10:46am

Re: Home Christian Groups II - Posted by Truthseeker - Tue - Jul 15 - 11:02am