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Did WT Teach Kingdom in 1914 Before 1925?

Posted by QuestionFromViewer on Fri - Jul 4 - 12:24am:

Greetings! My english is a little behind.

Some years ago an elderly man left me the 6 books Russell had published. These books reveiled, what was predicted for l9l4 was the establishment of Messianic kingdom with the Jewish nation. Then in the Finished Mystery book from l9l7 on p. l28 it reads: "the establishment of the kingdom in Palestine will probably be in l925, ten year later than we once culculated."

Several WT commentaries are saying it was in l925 when the first announcement was made that the Messianic Kingdom became established in heaven in l9l4.

I had writen down several contradictions on a paper, including the above mentioned and gave it to our presiding overseer for his comment. Without telling me, he sent that to the branch office. One of several comments from there was also the following: " hold that the Bible Students had to wait until this expectation did not matrialize in l925 before announcing the esatablishment of the Kingdim in the heavens, is ridiculous".

My question is, was it anywhere in the WT publication prior to l925 stated, Messianic Kingdom became established in heaven in l9l4? Would greatly appreciate any comment and thank you.

A Viewer

Did WT Teach Kingdom in 1914 Before 1925? - Posted by QuestionFromViewer - Fri - Jul 4 - 12:24am

Re: Did WT Teach Kingdom in 1914 Before 1925? - Posted by Tom - Fri - Jul 4 - 6:51pm

Re: Did WT Teach Kingdom in 1914 Before 1925? - Posted by RR - Fri - Jul 4 - 1:43pm

Re: Did WT Teach Kingdom in 1914 Before 1925? - Posted by JJ - Wed - Jul 16 - 5:30pm