Channel C²

"A Channel for Christian Conversation."


Conscientious Jehovah's Witnesses

and Former Jehovah's Witnesses

Hi, another new dude here

Posted by JJ on Fri - Jul 11 - 04:05am:

I've been on this website a few times and have now been registered. I am looking forward to talking to ya'll and being strengthened by your comments and faith. I have made a good number of negative experiences thru the WTS and its representatives and want to leave that behind. I'm interested in mutual upbuilding and will talk about anything. And would dare to talk about about things or ask questions that the WTS would rather not here.

Looking forward to the interchange.


Hi, another new dude here - Posted by JJ - Fri - Jul 11 - 04:05am

Re: Hi, another new dude here - Posted by Truthseeker - Fri - Jul 11 - 6:33pm

Re: Hi, another new dude here - Posted by Sherwood - Fri - Jul 11 - 7:19pm

Re: Sherwood! It IS You! - Posted by Truthseeker - Fri - Jul 11 - 8:46pm