[ Events Board ]

Head into our world's ToyHouse forums and submit into the corresponding thread!

Follow the instructions posted in each category!


A = the first initial of the dimension the event is taking place in

## = the number of events that occurred in that area


[P-01] Welcome to Beacon

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/12982905.p-01
DEADLINE: Always Ongoing

We're on our way to Evergate, a pocket dimension that holds the Beacon HQ along with Greendell, a college for getting to know our enemy and preparing you for battle.

[AHOD-02] The Daian Crisis

TH Link: TBA
DEADLINE: June 1st, 2024 @ 11:59pm PST

Once a world with a bustling and evolving civilization that had advanced their technology and sciences further than those of Earth, now finds itself a place where the infected rise and ravage the land and those left living in it.


[S-08] Freezing Feywild Fumble

TH Link: TBA
DEADLINE: April 5th, 2024 @ 11:59pm PST

While the frosty weather in Silutika sets the winter mood, some of the locals have deemed it odd. The desert residents mentioned that some of the heat should have returned by now for ideal travel conditions. Meanwhile, the farmers are worried for the late start of their crops. The Beacon Company was asked to investigate this further in the Feywilds.

[P-03] Leshicus

TH Link: TBA
DEADLINE: February 4th, 2024 @ 11:59pm PST

The attending travelers blinked as they listened to the DM spew about the new idea, waiting to hear more details before determining if this so-called contest was going to be a good or bad thing. What has Cry gotten us into this time?

[E-03] The Marching Circus

TH Link: TBA
DEADLINE: December 2nd, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST

There seems to be a traveling circus traveling throughout the lands of Mirstone! The atmosphere it brings with it seems fun and light-hearted. As they set up their carnival in the Fairgrounds of Mirstone, lights project from the area to announce that they have officially settled into town and they're available for all.

[E-01] Beacon Lights Festival

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/11493104.-001-m-01-
DEADLINE: September 30th, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST

Today is the day! The Beacon Company is open for new members and the town gathers to celebrate the works of the Company! Take the opportunity to join in on the fun in your honor!

[S-06] Love Lost

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/20544981.s-06
DEADLINE: April 16th, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST

People are confused and scared, with good reason! Specially since they have little to no clue who or what is doing this, and no one wants to forget people they love and care about either! Where have those memories gone ? Can they get them back ?

[S-05] Escaped Shadows

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/20544972.s-05
DEADLINE: February 7th, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST

Every winter at the time of the first snowfall, they host a festival where the locals would journey through the forest and up the mountains to face an obelisk made of pure ice. If one stared into the ice long enough... they may see a black figure pulsating and shifting inside.

[S-04] A Silutikan Halloween

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/20544967.s-04
DEADLINE: November 30th, 2022 @ 11:59pm PST

A large group of mischievous have invaded some towns all over Silutika, taking over towns with crazy colourful parties and pranks that need to be dealt with.

[S-03] Battle Royale

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/20544956.s-03
DEADLINE: July 06, 2022 @ 11:59pm PST

"I trust you received my invitation in the mail, yes ? You see, I totally got Cry's permission to invite you, wonderful Beacon Travelers somewhere fun..! Don't worry, don't worry, it's all in good fun, I promise!"

[AHOD-01] Whispers of a Falling World

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/20544929.ahod-01
DEADLINE: May 5th, 2022 @ 11:59pm PST

"There is a dimension that needs our help, not to be saved, because both our efforts and theirs have been fruitless, but we need all the help we can get because there is still hope for those who live there, they're the ones we gotta help..."

[S-02] Topsy Turvy

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/20544903.s-02
DEADLINE: May 5th, 2022 @ 11:59pm PST

A large group of mischievous have invaded some towns all over Silutika, taking over towns with crazy colourful parties and pranks that need to be dealt with.

[S-01] Maestro Masquerade

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/20544893.s-01
DEADLINE: April 2nd, 2022 @ 11:59pm PST

Cry's friend, Mercurius, is throwing a grand masquerade ball where master craftsmen, shopkeepers, and entrepreneurs alike gather to form connections and create business relationships. We need somebody to keep everyone safe.

[P-02] Winter Party

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/13755351.-pe-ini-winter-2021
DEADLINE: January 15th, 2021 @ 11:59pm PST

It's winter in Evergate (by Cry's will and love for Earth culture) and they're inviting all of their employees to gather at the pocket dimension to get to know one another!

[E-02] This is Halloween!

TH Link: https://toyhou.se/12983240.-em-ini-halloween
DEADLINE: October 31st, 2021 @ 11:59pm PST

It's October! Let's get spoopy!