This time, the calls for aid come from the desert, one of the larger cities, a thriving oasis in the middle of the dunes known as Dhahabi City. Reports have it that people have been going missing, though, strangely enough, it's only people who have been seen travelling in pairs, usually, according to witnesses, the people share a close both between each other. To add to that, what makes this all the stranger, those who have been found after a few days, don't seem to have a single memory of the loved one they were with at the time!Β 

People are confused and scared, with good reason! Specially since they have little to no clue who or what is doing this, and no one wants to forget people they love and care about either! Where have those memories gone ? Can they get them back ?

Desert dwellers are calling for help, and who else to turn to when they, themselves, have no clue what's happening, if not Beacon ?

Any questions? Ask in the #help channel of our Discord server!
DEADLINE: April 17th, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST


1.) Familiarize with the place.
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

It's quite the change of scenery compared to Aizsargi, and definitely quite the increase in temperature, so it'd be good to take some time to get used to the sand, the heat, the geography in general along with the oasis city in the middle of the desert. The water streams alongside the paths and main streets provide some refreshment and the large palm trees offer some shade as people wander around the adobe buildings and colourful light fabrics hanging overhead where the palm trees are not. However, by the time the sun goes down, the streets find themselves completely empty, confirmation that there IS something going on.

Draw your character exploring the desert or the city itself, perhaps getting themselves more fitting clothes for the heat even.

2.) Talk to the locals.
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

What better source of information than the people who disappeared and were found with a very strange and specific case of amnesia, forgetting the person that meant so much to them just days ago ? Also the other locals may have seen a weird thing or two! They could point you to some clues, places they were to before vanishing, it's as good start as any.

Depict your character talking to some of the locals, or even amongst each other to share what they've learned, or their reactions to what they've learned.

3.) What's behind all of this ?
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated

While investigating the cause of the situation, you noticed that an Owlin was doing the same. Catching your gaze, his expression lit up with recognition as he identified you as a member of Beacon. He eagerly introduced himself as Gecko, Silutika's traveling zoologist, and that he was here to investigate Dhahabi's mystery as well. From his findings, the Owlin suspects that this is the work of a dragon. While a bit far-fetched, dragons are known to hoard their obsessions and it was possible that this dragon in particular was hoarding the embodiment of love which included people's memories.

Offering himself as a guide, Gecko is willing to work with you to find and take care of the dragon in hopes of restoring the couples' memories.

Depict your traveler doing one of the following tasks:
(You can compete this prompt several times to do all of the tasks.)

4.) Recover the memories.
REWARD(S): 2x on event pieces; 2.5x if collaborated + 200 EXP

Stealing from a dragon is never easy, leave alone trying to negotiate, so it is a tall task, but perhaps this is where the experience of missions past comes in handy ? There is bound to be a more peaceful solution to the problem that does not involve having to fight the dragon, tho be careful to not fall victim to it and let your memories become part of its collection instead.

Draw your character trying to get the memories back. Are their own mixed in as well ? Ever tried talking before pulling your weapons out ? Now may be a good time!
Draw them returning the memories, or their own reactions at their memories coming back to them and seeing their loved ones once more.

5.) Join an RP party!
REWARD(S): RP dependent (nums + EXP)

Traversing the desert, doing true detective work and meeting and interesting new character, also venturing in a dragon's lair, what's there not to love ?


Specific times, yet to be decided.

Stay tuned for RP Party notices in the Discord Server!


Do you really enjoy Cafe Phantasia's universe and you want to contribute to it?
Maybe by making an event or brainstorming a new dimension to travel to? DM someone on the mod team so we can work together and see if we can make it happen!