[ Rules ]

Click to view our strike system.


      • Depending on the severity of the situation, we will issue a warning to any minor offense. If you manage to collect 2 warnings, this will equal to a strike. If you manage to change your behavior and don't make another offense, there is a chance for your warning to be forgiven. Do not ask us when or if your warning is forgiven.


      • You know the usual drill on this. Three strikes and you will be removed from the group with a verdict on punishment.


      • We will issue a permanent ban or suspension period depending on the severity of the situation. It will be evaluated case-by-case so we do not have any concrete info as to what will happen. Mistakes are fine but as long as you learn of them and don't persist with the offenses, then you should be fine here in Cafe Phantasia!


  1. [Treat everyone with respect.] We are trying to build a warm and welcoming community here, so do respect that. Use common sense and don't do anything you know you'll regret later.

  2. [Do not spam the moderators' personal accounts or group pages.] We are allowed to be busy people since we have a life outside of the computer! If you have something urgent that needs to be brought to our attention however, then notify a member of the mod team (called the CafΓ© Staff in the Discord server) so that we can address it as soon as possible.

  3. [Know how to communicate in English.] English will be our primary language within this community, so we ask that you know English in order to comfortably communicate with others!

  4. [Join with the intent of being active.] We do not expect heavy activity from you. That's definitely too stressful! But a group that goes dead with activity isn't too encouraging either. We hope to see some form of activity or sign of life every three months!
    *If you need to go on hiatus, notify a mod with a time-length for your hiatus so that we can take note of it!

  5. [Keep us updated.] Our database profiles are written according to Toyhou.se usernames. Help us keep our database updated by letting us know if you change your username or update your characters' information!


  1. [In order to join, you must have an application prepared!] Go to πŸ“š Library & Resources and scroll down to find instructions on how to join our group. While you may join our Discord Server as a visitor to see how we function, you won't be considered an official member until you complete your first character application for us to submit to our database! We accept both digital and traditional works.

  2. [You need to be able to write or draw.] Because that is the point of this group! It does not make much sense if you do not know how to draw or write when those are crucial to participation.

  3. [You have 3 chances in order to join our group!] We want to welcome as many people as possible here in Cafe Phantasia, so we will try to do our best with helping you in every step of the way! Understand that there is an extent to how much we can help you, however. You have 3 chances to get the join questions correct. The purpose of these join questions is to ensure your ability to read and understand the premise of our group.

  4. [Be sure to put effort in your character!] It's very easy to tell when the effort is lacking. If we put effort into creating a group, it is only natural that you return the effort through creating your character! If there are any issues with your character, we are willing to help you until it is something we are all fine working with.

  5. [All members are allowed to have two character slots for free!] We will introduce more character slots in the future. You can keep an eye on them in 🐱 Church's Magic shop!
    Gaggle Sprouts are able to have 3 character slots for free.

  6. [Your character is allowed to be simultaneously in another group!] These are sister-groups that are agreed upon in being in the same universe: Duskmire, Dawngrove, and Cipher City. If your character is a part of these groups, they're allowed to remain as they are! (If you would like more information as to what you can do with a character in these affiliate groups, don't be afraid to ask in the #help channel on our Discord server!) However, if they are not in a sister-group, they will need to be considered alternate universe versions.

  7. [CaPh is a sandbox RP, but don't jump the gun!] Read, understand, and follow the setting of our group, so that way we can provide the best experience possible! While CafΓ© Phantasia is similar to an open-world sandbox, there are some limits that we would like to maintain. (Most likely just to control the pacing of the group!) If you have any questions, feel free to ask! If you want to suggest anything, feel free to suggest! We are always open to ideas.


  1. [Do not steal.] We want to establish a community of content-creators that produce original works of literature and art. It is okay to take inspiration and use references (be sure to give credit where it is due). However, tracing and stealing another person's work will not be tolerated in our group.

  2. [Connect all of your pieces to the correct "characters".] We understand that this may be confusing and new as to how we handle submissions so please bare with us for the time being! We will create detailed instructions soon for both artists and writers. This rule will be updated with a link to the instruction pages.

  3. [Group content must be properly labeled for their rating.] We are a group that allows for more violence, death, and the likes. (Please do not take it excessively however! If you want to see when something is too far, don't be afraid to ask a mod.) Be sure to attach the proper labels accordingly when submitting artwork for your character. That way, any minors in our audience and group don't accidentally stumble across it.

  4. [Do not depict blacklisted themes.] Topics we do not allow within our group are: rape, suicide, racism, sexism, transphobia, and idealized mental illnesses. These are serious topics that we do not want to touch on in our group.

  5. [Ask the owner for consent before depicting their character!] This is an important one. It's always a good exercise to communicate and ensure what the owner wants for their character. Be sure to check in with the owner to make sure you are portraying their character correctly and in a way they are comfortable with. If you find that someone portrayed your character in a way you don't want, notify a mod so that we can discuss and handle this.


  1. [Be mindful when you are using a public channel to RP.] Do not handle heavy topics in areas that everyone can view easily. Not everyone consented or is fine with seeing certain topics and we need to respect that. If you get the feeling that the RP you're in isn't appropriate for a public chat, it never hurts to take the safe route and move it to somewhere private.

  2. [Communicate with your RP partner(s).] Make sure that they know what is going on every step of the way and respect their opinion when they say that something is making them uncomfortable and ask you to alter your response. It takes a party to RP and a good RP is when everyone is enjoying what's going on!

  3. [ALWAYS GET CONSENT BEFORE YOU HURT A PERSON'S CHARACTER/ENGAGE IN COMBAT OR CONFLICT/ETC.] This is an extension of RP Rule #2, but this deserves a highlight because of how important it is. Always first make sure your RP partner(s) is comfortable with participating in drama/conflict. Additionally, when you are harming another person's character, you (alone) don't get to decide how much you hurt them. Again, communicate with your partner!

  4. [Fights don't have to be fair, but that doesn't mean you get to be unfair, either.] We're going to 100% keep repeating this, but exercise communication with your RP partner(s) in order to arrive to a desirable outcome. When in doubt, use the dice! Your characters also have stats, so feel free to use those in determining the outcome of the situation as well. Please note that we will not allow members to kill other members in fights.

  5. [No God-Modding/Meta-Gaming/Power-Playing.]
    --> god-modding:
    when you take control of another person's character without their permission
    --> meta-gaming: when your character knows more than they should when they shouldn't have known about it
    --> power-playing: when you manipulate an RP so that the outcome is something that you want
    We do not accept any of these in our group, so refrain from participating in any of these acts.

  6. [No ship-chasing or forcing friendship.] We're all for romance and having bonds, but it isn't fun when you're forced to break your character's personality just to accommodate for another person's demands and wishes. Let things happen naturally! If things work out between characters, great! If things don't, that's alright. It's life and it's okay. If you engage with another person in having your characters participate in a relationship, (y'know this) always be sure to communicate with them!