[ Travelling Merchant ]

Along the lower edge of the wild space that splits the Greendell campus from the Evergate market street, is parked the familiar colourful caravan.

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

"Magical wares from across the multiverse!" Chimes the merchant, as they wave over potential customers. "All procured by yours truly, Theodell Myron." They continue.

"You there! Come on over darling, why I think I've got just the thing for you." They call out as they catch you walking by. Why not stop for a spell?


Spells in this section stay on your character sheet!

Mirror Image (0/5 in stock)

Support | 1d8 Duration | Self

[ACTION] An illusory duplicate of yourself appears in your space. Until the spell ends, the duplicate moves with you and mimics your actions, shifting position so its impossible to track which of you is real. You can use your action to dismiss the duplicate at any point, and can only have one duplicate summoned at a time.

Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the spell's duration, they must roll a d20 against your spell DC to determine if they hit you or your duplicate.

A duplicate's AC is the same as yours, and has an HP of 10

( Casters may use this spell )


350 Nums

Distraction (0/5 in stock)

Support | WIS Save | Single Target (within 30ft)

[ACTION] You launch a fleeting illusion towards a creature you can see within range. The illusion resembles some sort of medium or smaller projectile coming towards them, such as a lick of flame, a thrown weapon, or a few flying birds. The target must pass a WIS saving throw to see through the illusion, or may use its reaction to automatically succeed it. If failed, the target is distracted by your illusion until the start of its next turn. If the target makes a saving throw before then, it has disadvantage on the save. Then the spell ends.

A creature that is blind or has truesight is immune to this spell.

( Full Casters and Half Casters may use this spell )


350 Nums

Mending (2/5 in stock)

Support | 1d8 Rounds | Single Target (Touch)

[BONUS ACTION] This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage.

This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object.

This can be used as a bonus action during combat to heal constructs such as golems, warforged, or other such things that might otherwise be unaffected or resistant to normal healing magic. In which case a 1d8 is rolled to determine how much health they regain.

( All classes may use this spell )


350 Nums

Gust (2/5 in stock)

Ranged | STR Save | 30ft AoE

[BONUS ACTION] As a bonus action, you seize the air around you and compel it to create one of the following effects at a point you can see within range.

One creature the same size as you or smaller that you choose must succeed a STR saving throw (DC 8+your spell casting modifier) or be pushed 5ft away from you.

You create a small blast of air that is capable of moving one object that isn't being held and weighs no more than 5lbs, pushing it up to 10 ft away from you.

You can create a harmless sensory effect using air, such as causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters shut, or your clothing to ripple in a breeze.

( Full Casters may use this spell)


350 Nums

Magic Items

Some spells in this section have a limited uses
**Gecko issued a convincing petition that magical items that are likely to cause significant natural damage should be marked at a higher price in an effort to limit sales
(The merchant is okay with this. Beacon members are loaded and probably won't flinch at a higher tag - which means more profit in their pocket!)

Replacement Man (0 in stock)

Pendant in the shape of a little man, if damage would reduce you to 0hp while wearing the Replacement Man, you're dropped to 1hp instead and the Replacement Man fades away with a sad smile on his face. One Use.

Single Use Item!


1,500 nums

(One-time Use)

Staff of Moonlight (0/3 in stock)

Can only be used by full-casters. Imbued with pure moonlight, this staff allows the wielder to cast 'Cone of Moonlight' once per day. As a bonus action, you can make it shed bright light in a 10 ft diameter or absorb light in a 10 ft diameter making the area around it dim light.


1,500 nums

Sylviana (0/3 in stock)

1d6 piercing + 1d6 radiant + DEX. An elegant silver shortbow blessed by a fey god. Twice per day you can call upon that blessing to add an extra 1d4 radiant damage to an attack. (No charms may be equipped to this bow.)


1,500 nums


"All back by popular demand, my dears, you ask, I provide."

Mana Fuses (2/5 in stock)

Single Use Item! Regain one used spell slot.


150 nums

Instant-Tree Seeds

A strange glowing seed pod, when thrown, the pod bursts, quickly growing a full-grown 30ft tall tree wherever it lands.

"These have been in quite the abundance in Silutika lately, you lot wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" Theodell asks, looking down the bridge of their nose at you with a knowing grin. "Well lucky you, with a surplus in a far easier location, I've lowered the price!" 


1,000 nums per seed
(one-time use)

Bottle of Boundless Coffee

roll a d8. On a 1, the bottle refuses to dispense coffee for the next hour. If you pour coffee from the bottle, rather than drinking from it, the coffee vanishes the moment it leaves the bottle. 


150 nums

Bottomless Packet of Glitter

One who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten - at least, that's what the merchant's travel mug says!

It's a packet of glitter that never runs out.
Takes a bonus action to use during combat.


50 nums

Pocket Ring

This ring contains a small 4ft cube pocket dimension to keep objects in.


150 nums

Sending Stones

A set of stones magically imbued with a sending spell - works like a set of walkie-talkies or a phone


150 nums

The Alchemist's Alcove

Potion of Poise (0/3 in stock)

As a bonus action on your turn, you can consume this potion. You become imbued with enhanced mobility for 1d8 turns. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet and you don’t provoke opportunity attacks. Additionally, you are unaffected by difficult terrain and spells alongside other magical effects cannot paralyze or restrain you.

Single Use Item!


100 nums
(Archemede receives 20 nums per purchase)

Alchemical Fire (1/3 in stock)

At a point within 15 feet, you can toss this bottle that will cause searing fire to flare up in a 10 foot radius upon breaking. This fire is magical and cannot be put out by nonmagical means, but it will not spread further. The fire lasts for 1d8 rounds. Creatures in that area have to make a dexterity saving throw, or take 1d8 fire damage. Subsequently, if they fail, they must use their next action to make another dexterity saving throw to escape the fire.

Single Use Item!


100 nums
(Archemede receives 20 nums per purchase)

Adrenaline Serum (0/3 in stock)

As a bonus action on your turn, you can consume a dose of this serum. Consuming this Serum increases your Strength and Dexterity modifiers by 1d4 for a short time. In combat, this lasts for 1d4 rounds. On the round that this wears off, your movement speed is zero and you cannot take any actions until the end of your turn. Outside combat, this serum lasts for a minute.

Single Use Item!


100 nums
(Archemede receives 20 nums per purchase)

Dragoon's Potion of Wild (0/3 in stock)

Takes a bonus action to use, when drunk, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table - the results take place immediately.

Single Use Item!


300 nums

Gacha Boxes

"Sorry lovelies, I'm all out of gambling goodies this round. Maybe stop by 🦾 Laios' Weaponry instead, there's a budding little alchemist trying to get his product out there."

Previous Gacha Item Lists

Have something specific you're looking for? 

Use the suggestions channel in our discord to make a request, and the merchant will do their best to get what you're after, or something close to it during their next restocking trip.