[ Grading Info ]



In the main world, our form of currency is numisma! They can be earned in a variety of ways but are not limited to:

Written Rewards

Grading will be done by our mods.
Below is the amount of nums works will be graded by.

Basic Worth


For every 100 words, you are rewarded 1 num.Β 

Our calculator uses the formula below.

x = word count
t = total nums
n = 15 (reward)

x/1500 * n = t

General literature has a 100 word minimum, with no maximum.

Missions and Events however have a 1.5k word minimum!

RP Logs

The RP log num amount is the same; for every 100 words, you are rewarded 1 num.Β 

However the formula is much different, and it's a bit of work.

x = word count
n = 15 (reward)
t = total nums
a = post count total
c = halved post count total
p = participants

x/1500 * n = t
a / 2 = c
(t + c) / p = final nums amount

These are the multipliers that will be applied to your final total.

Drawn Rewards

Grading will be done by our mods. However you can absolutely grade your own work to see how many nums you'll be rewared!
Below is the amount of nums works will be graded by.

Forewarning, counting up nums is going to be a little tedious. While the amount of nums you'll get is explained below, please use our calculator instead! The cells in blue are the ones you should be editing!

Basic Worth

[CaPh] Grading Calculator v4.0 - MAKE A COPY

These are the basic values of submissions for (N)PC subjects.

These are the basic values of submissions for familiars.

*Familiars are half the value of regular subjects

These are the basic values for backgrounds:


These are for the quality of the drawing.

These are for the style of the drawing.

These are for the extras.

These are the special multipliers.